Monday, 6 January 2014

Posh Chinese Wedding Convoy Made Up Exclusively of Super- and Luxury Cars

Despite the fact that pedal power is still the way most of China’s huge and mostly impoverished population gets around, there is, of course, the other extreme, which keeps them riding rickshaws and bikes while it attends uber-lavish weddings that will only have you invited if you’ve really taken advantage of the benefits of the newly-freed market.

Apparently, all these rich folk fully aware of the decadent capitalist ways of globalization made their money in the manufacturing and real estate business locally, and now they’re showing it off in the cars that they drive, promoting strong, Western values in the process.

Shot in the city of Wenzhou, the convoy is completely made up for supercars and uber-luxury barges. Apparently there were around 25 of them in total, of which 10 (or more) were Rolls Royce and two are Ferrari F12 Berlinettas, plus many Lambos.

I thought communism stood for different, more… egalitarian values than this; here’s to creating one of the most expensive traffic jams in the world!

Scroll down and check out the photos, brought to you courtesy of CarNewsChina - they are not the last, we are told...

By Andrei Nedelea



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